Monday, October 11, 2004
R.I.P. Kal-El
Christopher Reeve died this past weekend.
In some ways, one couldn't be blamed for thinking this would never happen. He had seemingly been so tireless in resuming his life after his accident, in working for finding a cure for paralysis, in pushing others to perform research and supporting the cause. And after all, he had been Superman.
But in the end, life can be cruel and nine years after the accident that not just changed his life, but the world, he finally proved to be mortal. Still, in those nine years, he achieved what many wouldn't achieve in a lifetime. He pushed the boundaries. He gave people in the most hopeless of situations a new hope. And he made things happen that may not have happened without his presence.
Christopher Reeve vowed that he would walk again. It didn't happen, but he did fly. More importantly, he helped other people to fly with the inspiration he gave to them.