The Futility Hotline
Monday, October 18, 2004
How Does He Do It?
I just don't get it.

In a warped way, this is almost admirable. Here's the guy saying that voting against him will leave the country vulnerable to terrorist attacks, and yet he accuses John Kerry of using scare tactics? In fact, in this same article, while Bush is talking about the others scaring voters, the evil mastermind is playing up the World Trade Center attacks in the campaign press junkets.

How does he get away so easily with accusing others of doing the things he does so well? How does he get away with blatantly falsifying his opponent's stance to make his look better? How is it people can't see it? Are people really buying this?

Well, if so, then maybe the USA deserves to have a Karl Rove, er, George W. Bush in charge. And while we're at it, maybe we can work Jerry Springer, Geraldo Rivera and the American Idol judges into the cabinet.

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