The Futility Hotline
Sunday, May 16, 2004
Why Bush Will Win Re-Election
I was reading this article in today's Detroit News and came across this part of the story:

Ken Tippery, a retired executive from Royal Oak, says he’ll vote for Bush again, praising the president on national security issues and accusing the media and Democrats of blowing out of proportion the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal.

“I think (Bush) has done the one thing no president was willing to do before, which was to step up to the problem of terrorism and take a proactive stance,” Tippery said.

“What is an atrocity is what happened to the young American who was beheaded, not forcing some (Iraqi) guy to run around bare-bottom.”


"Bare bottom?"

And I guess being sodomized with a flashlight is just "tickling" in your book.

I will certainly give you the point that the perception seems like there's more outrage over our treatment of prisoners who were not necessarily guilty or involved than there is over the beheading. I'm glad that Colin Powell is trying to make this point on the world stage.

But that's not actually your point is it? I'm probably giving you too much credit. Your point, and it seems to be a very common and prevalent attitude, is it's ok for us to do something to these people just because they belong to a nationality that has been cast by ignorant people as all being to blame. Didn't you know that many of the prisoners were not actually wrongdoers that were related to insurgency or terrorism? Actually, you probably don't even consider them people, do you? But that's ok, because the people in charge have set the tone that not only validates this belief but makes it popular.

Ken, if you're out there, you're just the patriotic American that'll be running this country for the next few years. Congratulations, but please refrain from calling me a traitor when I disagree with your views.

(Edited for clarification. This is why I would not make a good debator.)

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