The Futility Hotline
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
So Now It Really Is The Governator...
One thing I've been hearing is how the voter turnout was very high for what ended up being a successful recall of Gray Davis. There has been a lot of praise about this. How wonderful this is to have so many people registered to vote and taking part in an election. How great it is that people wanted a say in how their state was to be run.

Well, being the cynic I am about politics, I say bulls*it.

Let's face it. In this age of reality TV and gaudiness, people want to be part of a spectacle...especially in California. What better spectacle can there be than an event in which "Conan the Barbarian", Larry Flynt, Gary Coleman and Mary Carey (the porn star) are vying for being the leader of one of the largest states in the US? This right here was "Must See TV" at it's finest and all one needed to do to be involved was to register. I'm sure they probably gave out free T-shirts that said "I Survived the Recall" upon turning in the registration.

I think the sad part of this is that it took a vote to throw someone out to bring the public to the voting booths. Where were the voters during the primaries when there was a chance to control who was to go up against Gray Davis? Obviously out at the tofu restaurant because the challenger was someone they hated so much, they ended up re-electing Davis.

Democracy at its finest...what's next, miscounting ballots and giving the race to some clod? Challenging the results of a Presidential election in court? Oh wait...

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